Definition of Coral reef

1. Noun. A reef consisting of coral consolidated into limestone.

Specialized synonyms: Atoll, Barrier Reef, Cay, Florida Key, Key
Specialized synonyms: Great Barrier Reef
Generic synonyms: Reef

Definition of Coral reef

1. Noun. A mound or hummock of compacted coral skeletons ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Coral Reef

coral-root bittercress
coral bean
coral bean tree
coral bleaching
coral bush
coral calculus
coral drops
coral fungus
coral gem
coral honeysuckle
coral necklace
coral pea
coral reef
coral reefs
coral root
coral snake
coral snakes
coral tree
coral vine
coral vines

Literary usage of Coral reef

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Bulletin by Harvard University Museum of Comparative Zoology (1904)
"No coral reef is visible outside of the sandstone reef along this distance, ... The first considerable coral reef south of Pernambuco is at Candeias. ..."

2. The Encyclopaedia Britannica: A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and General by Thomas Spencer Baynes (1888)
"The general method uf formation of a coral-reef becomes readily intelligible on a consideration of the conditions which are requisite fur the existence and ..."

3. Sailing Alone Around the World by Joshua Slocum (1901)
"... Queensland—A lecture — Reminiscences of Captain Cook — Lecturing for charity at Cooktown —A happy escape from a coral reef — Home Island, Sunday Island, ..."

4. Manual of Geology: Treating of the Principles of the Science with Special by James Dwight Dana (1866)
"The origin of the long curving line of coral reef stretching southwestward from southern Florida to the Tortugas, and having a total length of 120 miles, ..."

5. The Popular Science Monthly (1888)
"Before proceeding any further, it becomes necessary to remove this difficulty out of the way. • GLIMPSES OF LIFE ALONG A coral reef. ..."

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